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2019 Week 35

A typical week – good weather and bad weather

Enjoying the view from Sylvkallen

Peaks visited:

Peak Height PF Location WCP
Sylvkallen 1310m 180m Ørsta, Norway WCP
Holmevatnet 572m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP
Rjåhornet 600m 107m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP
Øyrahornet 417m 42m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP
Garnestua 653m 415m Ulstein, Norway WCP
Hasundhornet 533m 93m Ulstein, Norway WCP
Rivjehornet 426m 383m Ulstein, Norway WCP
Kjeringa (Vestkapp) 497m 334m Ulstein, Norway WCP

Sylvkallen (1310m), Aug 26 2019

Sylvkallen – left

Monday: The weather was stunning when I finished work today, and the temperature was 27-28 deg. C. Not normal for the end of August! I quickly thought of 3-4 higher mountains where I wanted to go, but as I started driving towards the Ørsta/Volda region, I begun thinking about what kind of views I wanted to have. A nice fjord came out on top of my list, and considering where the sun would be in the afternoon, my choice fell on Sylvkallen.

Kolåstinden and Sætretindane seen from Standalseidet

This is a mountain I know fairly well, although I hadn’t been there since 2010 – when I “guided” a students from the Police Academy up. Plan A was to take them up Langenestinden (just on the other side of the valley), but a Police Chief concluded that it was too risky, in terms of rock fall and asked for a safer alternative. Which Sylvkallen definitely is – in summer. In winter, it’s a different ballgame. There has been at least one fatal accident (avalanche) that I know of.

Fingeren (left) and Kolåstinden – landmarks in this area

At the trailhead in Standalsdalen, we were facing a 1050 vertical meter ascent. I was a bit too optimistic and assumed I would do this in 1h:15m. But I hadn’t taken an extremely wet and boggy path into consideration, and I had underestimated time spent of crossing Nøvedalen.

Entering Nøvedalen. Sylvkallen to the left.

But more importantly, I ran out of steam after a short while. My intake of food earlier in the day hadn’t been aligned with this type of activity. But fortunately, even if the gas tank is empty, I am able to keep on going and things got better after a while. I guess that’s when the body has realized there are no more calories to burn and start working on the fat. It takes a little time to readjust, it seems…

Still a bit to go. That top is lower than the one we’re heading to…

Nothing would prevent me from reaching the top on this gorgeous afternoon, that was for certain. And, finally, we stood on top of Sylvkallen and it took us exactly 1,5 hours to get there.

On top!

But who cares – what an extraordinary view!

Hjørundfjorden seen from Sylvkallen

I spent 5 more minutes on the top, taking pictures before I announced that it was time for descent.

Grøtdalstindane and Blåtindane. Wild!

Needless to say, the descent was much more enjoyable than the ascent…

Almost down in Nøvedalen, I met two guys on the way up. I was quite surprised to see people this late in the afternoon. We were passing each other, nodding and saying “hello” when one of them said “westcoastpeaks!”. Again, the dog had given me away…

If I remember correctly, one was from the Czech Republic and the other one from Slovakia. But they now lived in Ålesund. According to them, this web site had been their “number one source for information“. They concluded that I “write a lot” and wondered if I was a pilot? As I seemed to be traveling a lot. Nope, just a daytime programmer trying to maximize the afternoons and weekends…

I took an off-trail short-cut down in Nøvedalen and was back at the car by 7:46pm. An afternoon well spent!

The route

Trip statistics: 9,3km, 1050 vertical meters, 2h:42m

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the hike:

Trail maintenance, Lake Holmevatnet, Aug 27 2019

Community work…

Tuesday: This afternoon, Aina, Johnny, Jørn Hugo, Arne and Hans from the “Turstiprosjektet Myrvåg/Tjørvåg” project headed out from Leikongsætra to put up two of the very last signposts that we had still hadn’t gotten to the field.

Ready to rumble…

This project is a group of volunteers that have marked approx. 50km on paths on the northern side of Gurskøy island. This is an activity that has for the most part been very well received by the community, and people clearly seem to get out more. Grumpy people are everywhere. But as we make sure we don’t put any further pressure on the local bird- and wildlife, they don’t really have any valid arguments.

Moving out…

These two signposts were related to the latest marked path – on the east side of lake Holmevatnet.

The spirit is good on gatherings like this one. Or “Dugnad” – as we call it in Norway.

“Bang bang, Maxwell’s silver hammer”…

We also tried out repainting sticks, using a small brush and paint in a ketchup bottle. That worked perfectly and will save me from carrying new sticks up the mountain and worn ones down.

As long as I don’t bring this one out for the pizza…

And then the first signpost was in place. This one was just hammered into the ground.

Well done…

We then moved over to the northeast end of the lake and concluded that we had to drill here.

Johnny – at the helm

Arne and Hans went to Nonshornet to replace an existing sign that had wrong info, while the rest of us finished the last signpost.

Almost there…

It was late when we returned to Leikongsætra, but it had been a very nice evening!

Rjåhornet. Can’t believe my new camera pulled this one off, handheld…

Trip statistics: 10,1km, 500 vertical meters, 4 hours

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the hike:

Rjåhornet (600m), Aug 28 2019

En route to Rjåhornet, from Djupvika

Wednesday: After exploring an efficient way of repainting sticks the day before, I took the dog, a paintbrush and a ketchup bottle with red paint – and headed up to Rjåhornet. The sticks in the upper area were in desperate need for maintenance.

Ocean view. Ulsteinvik to the right.

It’s always nice to be back on this top! Probably the top (of the higher local ones) I’ve visited most times. A quick check on stated that this was my 269th visit (since 2008).

Karma on Rjåhornet – waiting for her treat

So, as we had finished off the “summit rituals“, it was time to start repainting. The only question was – will it start to rain?


The painting went well. For a little while. I think I got 10 sticks done when I felt the first raindrops. Then I called it a day and hoped that the paint would dry up really fast…

Patience, my dear…

Trip statistics: 6,1km, 600 vertical meters, 2h:13m

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the hike:

Øyrahornet (417m), Aug 29 2019


Thursday: It was a gorgeous day. Too bad I hardly had time to do any hikeing. But, I found the time to do a quick hike up and down Øyrahornet.

It’s been a while since I walked our “new” route alongside the river, and was shocked how overgrown it was. The path was in need of serious maintenance, but I didn’t have any tools with me today.


Up by the bench, it was time for the usual posing picture of Karma…

The “classic” bench view

All in all a quite uneventful hike, but at least the dog got its walk.

On the way down, we stopped by the river to take some pictures I thought ended up quite cool

“Rock in river”

Trip statistics: 3,9km, 400 vertical meters, 1h:04m

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the hike:

Garnestua (653m), Hasundhornet (533m), Aug 31 2019

A really nice walk…

Saturday: A friend of us had turned 50 years old, and the celebration took place on Friday evening. Anne came up from Sogndal, and I didn’t find any time for hiking on Friday. So, on Saturday I proposed that we had a good walk, both for our- (it got pretty late) and Karma’s sake – having had a really boring Friday. No hiking and then left alone in the evening…

Our Løset – Strandabøen hike

As my car was parked at Strandabøen (the day before), we took Anne’s car up to Løset. We would hike across Garnestua, Flåna and Hasundhornet, before descending towards Hasund or Strandabøen – wherever the paths would take us.

Towards Garnestua

The weather was quite nice, we had all the time in the world and really enjoyed the day.

Easy now…

After visiting Garnestua, we continued across Flåna.

Descending from Flåna

There was some cool fog “banging” on Garneshornet…


I looked forward to get to Hasundhornet, as I enjoy the views from this top more than from Garnestua. Especially towards Dimna island and Ulsteinvik.

Karma and Dimna island

Hasundhornet was our last top and now we could start thinking about the descent. I knew where the path began, but I didn’t quite remember where we would end up. Time would tell.

On Hasundhornet

We were soon en route to Alvehaugen, but when we came across a “Hasund” signpost, we turned left onto a marked, but not visible path. Wet and boggy, it was. Not enjoyable at all.

Descending from Hasundhornet

But after a while we found a much wider path that was actually more a river. This path took us down to Hasund and my car was only a 5-minute walk away. But before we got that far, Anne wanted to pick mushrooms for dinner …

Down a really wet forest path…

Trip statistics: 10,1km, 600 vertical meters, 2h:50m

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the hike:

Rivjehornet (426m), Hoddevika, Ervika, Vestkapp, Sep 1 2019

A fun day on Stadlandet

Sunday: The weather this Sunday was not good, by any measure or standard. The most sensible thing to do, was to stay indoors. So, we got into the car and drove towards Stadlandet – one of the roughest places in western Norway, in terms of wind and weather. Because, that’s just … who we are…

Is this really a good idea?



We started out by driving to Leikanger and then to Borgund, from where we would hike Rivjehornet. This was a top that neither Anne nor Karma had been to earlier. Too bad about the weather, though…

Heading out from Borgund

The route runs straight up. My kind of route…

Straight up to Rivjehornet

The reward is the view, and a dramatic coast line.

On top of Rivjehornet

And when the rain stopped, it was just nice being up here…

Heading down from Rivjehornet

Back at the car, we decided to drive to Hoddevika and check out the beach…

Trip statistics: 3km, 450 vertical meters, 1h:10m

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the hike


The Hoddevika bay

Hoddevika is a surfer’s paradise – at least by Norwegian standards. We’ve both been there before, and it’s a nice place to visit.


Not sure if Karma quite understood what this place was all about…

Don’t try…


The church in Ervika

After a while, we got back in the car and continued to Ervika – a place I hadn’t been to earlier. The waves were much bigger here. And no surfers were seen. Perhaps the sea was just too rough to surf in…

In Ervika. Karma is a little too bold…

Karma got gradually acclimated to being by the ocean front, and we were slightly worried about her being too bold and brave…

Bring it on!



An open cafe!!!!

We were both quite wet and hungry by now, but didn’t expect that we would find any place to eat on the entire Stadlandet.  So, we decided to just drive up to Vestkapp, take a few pictures and return back home.

To our big and pleasant surprise, we found an open cafe on top!

And afterwards, everything was so much better. Except for the weather. Still, we were very happy about taking the long trip out here. We had some pretty good views and beaches are always fun to play around on…

Rough weather out there…

Pictures (Canon EOS RP) from the beaches and Vestkapp:

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