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2024 Week 15

On Hovdenakken

On Hovdenakken

Mostly grey weather week…

On our way to Hovdenakken (on Hareidlandet), with good wind and rain


Date Peak Height PF Location WCP/FP MAP
08.04.24 Skolma 636m 483m Hareid/ Ulstein, Norway WCP MAP
08.04.24 Signalhornet 627m 83m Hareid, Norway WCP MAP
08.04.24 Sneldelida 633m 104m Ulstein/ Hareid, Norway WCP MAP
09.04.24 Rambjøra 132m 109m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP MAP
09.04.24 Huldrehornet 271m 113m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP MAP
10.04.24 Signalen 231m 231m Giske, Norway WCP MAP
11.04.24 Rambjøra 132m 109m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP MAP
12.04.24 Rambjøra 132m 109m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP MAP
13.08.24 Hovdenakken 474m 176m Hareid, Norway WCP MAP
14.04.24 Ulsettua 389m 261m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP MAP
14.04.24 Ramnfloget 206m 12m Herøy, M&R, Norway WCP MAP
14.04.24 Åsefjellet 141m 83m Hareid, Norway WCP MAP
14.04.24 Hjørungneshornet 185m 157m Hareid, Norway WCP MAP

Skolma (636m), Sneldelida (633m), Apr 8 2024

Sneldelida ahead

Monday: This hike is featured on a separate post

Rambjøra (132m), Huldrehornet (271m), Apr 9 2024

Our route across Huldrehornet

Tuesday: Today, I would be starting trail maintenance on the path to Dyrkyrkja, in Huldrehornskogen forest. But I didn’t want for Karma to start a hike just waiting for me. So, I decided to give her a walk to Rambjøra first.

On our way to Rambjøra

She looked happy and confused. Happy to be on Rambjøra, but confused because this is not where we typically go when it’s not raining…

On Rambjøra

With Karma “warmed up”, we could go to Huldrehornskogen…

View from Rambjøra

The path to Dyrkyrkja was in desperate need of maintenance…

Do-gooding in the Huldrehornet forest

After a while, my arms were hurting and I decided to call it a day. But first, a hike up to Huldrehornet

Time for some walking!

I left the brush cutter in the main junction in the forest, before continuing up to Huldrehornet.

On Huldrehornet

Afterwards, I picked up the brush cutter and we went down the Myrvågskogen path which I had recently cleared. This path was a motorway now!

Rambjøra: Trip statistics: 2,4km, 140 vertical meters, 0h:34m
Huldrehornet: Trip statistics: 5,2km, 335 vertical meters, 2h:42m

Signalen (231m), Apr 10 2024

Our route across Signalen. Not sure why Google Earth showed this blurry.

Wednesday: Working day in Ålesund and time for Karma’s monthly Librela injection. As usual, I took the 6:20am ferry, which means I have to get up 5am. Which is 2 hours too early for me. I just hate these days, but the upside is that I could get a nice hike in the Ålesund region after work.

Hareid, early morning

Today looked like it could be an OK day, perhaps a little cloudy? I made all sorts of plans for us, after work.

Hard to say how this day will “pan out”

But when my working day had ended, the weather was CRAP! Wind and rain. But we had to go somewhere! Well, technically, we didn’t HAVE TO, but I hadn’t skipped a hike so far in 2024 and I was sure enough not going to start today! So, I drove to Valderøya to hike the island high point – Signalen.

On our way from Valdervoll

After passing the Skjonghellaren cave, we entered the Sætredalen valley from the north.

In Sætredalen

The wind was strong, but so far, we were in shelter from the worst gusts.

On our way to Signalen

It was really the perfect route, given the wind direction (from the southwest)

Approaching the top

But on top, it was really unpleasant for Karma. Fortunately, there is a huge cairn which provides shelter.

OK, good! But we can’t stay here…

Now, we just had to muster the will to take the weather head on, as we would be descending down the south ridge.

On my mark – GO!

On our way down the south ridge, we met a guy and I told Karma to fall in behind me. She did. The guy stopped and said something. I couldn’t hear him, due to the wind. I asked him to repeat. He yelled: KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH!

Something snapped inside of me. A woman yelled exactly the same thing on our hike from Flø 2 days earlier. Karma was on a leash when I passed her. Afterwards, I took the leash off to take a picture of her. I could hear the woman shouting: KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH! Except for the hare on the mountain, there was no living animals or people around.

I asked the guy – are you afraid of dogs? Because, as you see, she has fallen in behind me, opposed to being on a leash 2 meters ahead of me. He wasn’t.

He was just generally “concerned”. I asked him what he was concerned about. He said he was a hunter. I asked him if he was afraid the dog would spook the animals he planned to kill? No, it wasn’t that either (and he didn’t seem to catch the irony)…

He was concerned about the signal I sent to other dog owners. It was a frickin’ storm up there and there were no one else on the mountain. I just sighed and pointed towards the dog, seeking shelter from the wind behind me. He seemed to be happy about getting “the message” out there and we parted, wishing each other happy trails

Trip statistics: 5,9km, 275 vertical meters, 1h:21m

Rambjøra (132m), Apr 11 2024

Our route across Rambjøra

Thursday: Anne came up from Sogndal and the weather was still crap. I proposed that we should bring the rakes and clean up some of the bush I’ve been cutting on the Rambjøra trail.

Anne thinks I’m nuts, but always get onboard…

The good thing about trail maintenance in bad weather, is that you forget about the bad weather…


And, not to forget – the path looks so much better afterwards!

Have YOU ever brought a rake into the forest?

It wasn’t much of a hike, but we did some good and we defeated the doorstep!

On top of Rambjøra

In the evening, I did some Gym exercises and decided to try out one I hadn’t done in like, 40 years. I was on my back, with my legs in the air, “cycling”. Then I figured it would be smart to bend my legs behind my head, to stretch the hamstring.

I woke up 1 hour after going to bed, almost incapable of moving my head…

Trip statistics: 4,8km, 140 vertical meters, 2h:07m

Rambjøra (132m), Apr 12 2024

Our route up and down Rambjøra

Friday: We were going out for dinner with friends in the afternoon, and so I decided to bring Karma for another trail maintenance mission on Rambjøra first. The main goal was to drain water off the path.

My neck was still locked in the same position I left it, last evening but I didn’t have a problem with walking and using my arms.

On Rambjøra

But on my way upwards, I noticed that there was something very OFF with Karma’s tail. Oh no! Yet another hot spot. I cancelled the maintenance work, went up to the top and then returned to the house for medical attention that would last for at least two weeks…

Poor kiddo!

Trip statistics: 2,9km, 140 vertical meters, 0h:48m

Hovdenakken (474m), Apr 13 2024

Our route across Hovdenakken

Saturday: Everything was just sad. The weather was sad, my neck was sad, Karma’s tail was sad. But we had to do something, and I proposed to hike Hovdenakken from the northeast. The strong wind came in from the southwest, and in theory, we would be in shelter most of the way.

We headed out from the Golf Course near Hareid and had a 100% wind-free ascent up the forest.

Going for Hovdenakken

Anne really liked this forest. I was 99% sure I’ve brought her on this hike before, but she didn’t remember it.

Heading up the forest

We were still in shelter from the wind, and all was good…

In shelter of the bad weather

As we approached the top, we had to mentally “embrace for impact

Above the forest, and we start feeling the weather

On top, it was unpleasant, but it wasn’t Armageddon. Anne even found the inspiration to sign the visitor register. Personally, I don’t do that in weather like this, as the books don’t tend to like it in the long run. But I don’t like telling people what they should or should not do…

On top of Hovdenakken

We descended the other side of Hovdenakken, then curved around for an off-trail forest descent – which I always do when I do this route. Anne enjoyed the forest big-time!

Always look for the bright side of life…

Trip statistics: 6,9km, 470 vertical meters, 1h:52m

Ulsettua (389m), Åsefjellet (141m), Hjørungneshornet (185m), Apr 14 2024

Sunday: This hike is featured on a separate post

Ascending Ulsettua

After this hike, Anne went to Lundeura on Runde island to check out the puffins. She reported that she had never seen so many puffins at the same time before. Good news!

Puffins are many things, but shy ain’t one of them…
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