Hyningane, July 11 2018

A nice revisit

The Hyningane north top (Messingeheida) seen from the main top

Peaks visited:

Peak Height PF Location WCP
Hyningane 1018m 368m Ørsta, Norway WCP

It was an epic summer, in terms of nice weather. I really, really should have spent the afternoons painting the house, but the mountains were just too inviting.

After work this Wednesday afternoon, I drove to Ørsta to revisit Hyningane above Liadalsdalen. It’s a fairly easy to top reach, as you can drive up to Halse and then some – and park at 250m elevation. My last visit was in May 2009. High time for a revisit!

From the parking, we followed the path up to the easternmost cabins for 0,5km before going off-trail in the direction of the top. Eventually, this route took us into the Svenskedalen valley.


It was a hot day, and Karma was frequently down by the river to satisfy her thirst. At one point, I crossed the river two meters to her right and all of a sudden – an eagle flew between us. As there was little room, the eagle flew sideways! This took me completely by surprise, and by the time I had my camera ready, the eagle was long gone. I guess I will never know what actually happened, but it is reasonable to assume that the eagle was on the ground and that we came as a surprise to it. The only option for proper lift-off and escape was downhill – right between us.

Wow! What the heck just happened??

The main purpose for visiting Hyningane today, was that I wanted to take a look at the ridge between Eggja and Hyningane.

The Eggja – Hyningane ridge (Aug 2017)

The ridge is too rugged to hike all the way, but I was looking for a place where you could get off the ridge and still reach Hyningane – giving an option for a round trip hike that includes both Eggja and Hyningane. I found the place and look forward to come back…

Coming from Eggja (further right), one can get off the ridge by the snowfield above and reach Hyningane (left) along the wall


The final hill was tough on Karma, but we eventually reached the top 1h:08m after heading out.

Karma on Hyningane

The Sunnmørsalpane mountain range was a mighty sight, as always…

Some of the Sunnmøre alps, with Saudehornet in center

I decided to take a look at the ridge towards Eggja, well knowing it would end in a sudden drop. But how far could I get? I left Karma behind and asked her to stay put.


The ridge turned a bit nasty and as fun as it would have been to taken on this rugged ridge with loose rocks, I didn’t want to get into a situation where I fell off the mountain with the dog remaining on top…

Looks fun, but it will have to be some other day…

I returned to Karma and we got off the mountain. We took a different route back to Svenskedalen, where we picked up our tracks and returned to the car.

The route

Trip statistics: 6,3km, 820 vertical meters, 2 hours

See also: Bjørnastighornet and Eggja

Pictures from the hike:

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