Hongfjellet, July 23 2023

Hiking in the Tosenfjorden region

Hongbarstad view from Hongfjellet


Date Peak Height PF Location MAP
23.07.23 Hongfjellet 480m 241mtd> Brønnøy/Bindal, Norway MAP

The route

Sunday: After a nice revisit to Mosaksla and the really nice hike “Aungrenda rundt”, I was in a real need for a new top. Fortunately, there were tops in the Brønnøy region that I still hadn’t done, although the ones left require a bit of driving and long hikes.

But Hongfjellet was an exception. Well, the drive would take an hour, but the hike wouldn’t be that long, and I was able to “sell” the trip to Anne. As she’s driving a LOT as part of her job as a Park Ranger, she’s mediocrely interested in additional driving. Which is understandable. But during the holiday season, exceptions can be made. And so we drove from Brønnøysund in the direction of Tosenfjorden.

We found parking at Fossheim – there is an official parking for hiking there.

At Fossheim – our trailhead for this hike

Then we followed the tractor road in the direction of Nedre Moavatnet.

Along the tractor road

Anne got an “easy ride” up the tractor road, as Karma got the scent of something really interesting

Karma was “EL-dog” today

Eventually, we left the tractor road and found a vague path that seemed to go in the right direction. We knew that we would have to cross the river and had brought clogs and sandals for the crossing…

Leaving the tractor road, aiming for the river

But, as there wasn’t a lot of water in the river, the crossing was easy.

Easy river crossing today…

And the clogs and the sandals never came to use. No point in carrying them up the mountain…

It’s against my principle to leave things behind, but I gladly made an exception today…

Then we stuck to the mountain path.

Heading for Hongfjellet

I was really happy about being here. This was another mountain that I had thought about visiting for 20+ years, and now we were finally here!

Towards Hongfjellet

The route up the mountain was easy enough…

Along a short ridge section

We only had light rain, which was much better than what the forecast had indicated.

“C’mon mommy!”

It’s a “big landscape” up here. Off-trail hiking doesn’t come for free

We got a feeling of wilderness today…

The hike on top of the plateau was longer than I had expected, but eventually we reached the top! In fog, of course…

On top of Hongfjellet

We followed the same route down as we came up and returned to Brønnøysund very happy about having done this hike! Not only did we get another Brønnøy top, but we could “tick” one in Bindal too…

Trip statistics: 7,7km, 505 vertical meters, 2h:21m

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